Thursday, 17 April 2014


-In this essay will be discussed about the impact of the digital divide on democracy and the government of South Africa. By digital divide we mean an economic inequality between groups, broadly construed, in terms of access to use of, or knowledge of information and communication technologies. The digital divide refers to the difference between people who have easy access to the internet and those who do not. A lack of access is believed to be disadvantages to those on the disadvantages side of the digital divide because of the huge knowledge base that can only be found online.

-By democracy we means, is a form of government bin which all eligible citizens participate equally. Either directly or indirectly through elected representatives in the proposal, development, and creation of encompasses social, religious, cultural. Ethnic and racial equality, justice, liberty and fraternity. Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.


-According to Norris P, the global information society that links around the people with the power of information, by using the internet. In the global information society, all information is made avaible to everyone.  Digital divide refers to the gap between individuals , households , business and geographic areas at different social economic levels in order words the rich and , which the regard both to their  opportunities to access information and communication technologies and their use of internet for wide variety of activities. Digital divide reflects various differences among and within countries.

-Democracy means the government by people. That means that all the people should be able to have a say in everything that affects their lives. Democracy can be also exercised directly by the people through their elected agents. (Peter Gelderoos 2004)

-Government in regulation, supervisor or the control which is exercised upon the individual members of on organised jural   society by those invested with the supreme political authority, for the good and welfare of the political body. The difference in the access to information and technology with normally result because of differences in race, status, age and geography and other factors can cause other citizen to be deprived in the global economy (globalisation) this difference is known as digital divide. Digital divide in South Africa is somewhat evident that 4, 5%of the total population are the informed ones and the other 95, 5% are that do not know anything about the internet.

 The main reason for digital divide in South Africa is because of the Apartheid legacy which promoted separate development, which provided inferior education and poor and no access to learning opportunities for non-whites. (Lewis C, 2007).

-According to Chisenga Jonas (2004), the existence of digital divide is also caused by high levels of poverty and lack of telecommunication services and the high cost of connectivity; this also goes beyond the access to hardware and communication systems. For example there is still a gap in generational and educational divides between those who are capable of getting information using the internet and those who still cannot.

-How to digital divide impact democracy and the government , democracy and government are influenced in various ways such as poverty , even through other countries such as America and Europe want to help  South Africa government close the gap of digital divide , the cost of technology balanced against other priorities , such as healthcare and famine well take precedence over the spread of technology and also literacy is major challenge for the government furthermore; English  is the language that are first language .In South Africa , excluding English there are 11 others official languages .This makes the literally challenge even greater.(Verlonen 2004).

-According to Trusler (2003), for example South Africa has to deal with a number of challenges before they can begin with any initiatives for bridging the digital divide .They challenges issues are follows Trusler (2003):

 -A high level of inequality.

-A weak ICT (Information Communication Technology) infrastructures, particularly in rural areas.

-A lack of ICT readiness in government.

-More pressing demands in the public services that makes ICT.


- According to Sarah Newton, The impact of digital divide on British families, the term is used to describe an economic inequality between group, where some have access to information and communication technologies and other don’t .But it’s also used to describe the knowledge gap between parents and their children. The gaps created by inequate infrastructures and lack of basis knowledge about the digital world are late obstacles to genuine mass connectively. But late adapters don’t always have the knowledge they need to use the internet to its full extent.



-A such, same parent have left standed. Their children know a great deal more about how to drive a computer, tablet, laptop or Smartphone than they do.

 Today’s children and teenagers have grow up with digital technologies, and they take to new development perfectly naturally, accepting then as the norm and often leaving their parent behind. The knowledge gap between parent and children, it’s difficult to keep your children secure when you don’t understand what they’re doing online. But once you understand the basic of cyber bullying, you can spot the signs.

-There are possible solutions to bringing the digital divide; a technology culture can be developed in South Africa universities and communities where programmes can be developed in order to teach people about the internet and hoe it functions. However information, and more importantly knowledge, has the ability to empower people. Therefore , it is necessary to bridge the digital divide help small communities that do not know about the internet concerted effort to provide graduates who have the knowledge and skills to become technology leaders , and who will help those in need.



















-Chisenga, J. 2004.Africa Governments in Cyberpace.are they bringing the content to digital divide. Cape Town.

-Lewis, C. 2007. South Africa [Online} Avaible: htt:// divide. Org/filed/pdf (Accessed 19 April 2013).

-Norris, P. 2001. Digital divide: civic engagements, information poverty, and the Internet worldwide. Cambrige: Cambrige University Press.

-Newton, S.2012. All right reserved. New Thinking for a new generation.


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